Synrgize! brings you results you are still happy with years from now.
ASML gives the world’s leading chipmakers the power to mass produce patterns on silicon, helping to make computer chips smaller, faster and greener.
Gartner statement July 2022:
“Virtual meeting solution requirements are increasingly complex and have outpaced the ability of many IT departments to successfully architect, implement and manage those solutions.”
This was the case at ASML too. Today they are leading.
- Designed a scalable system for AV solutions in hybrid work spaces
Triple P is an ICT partner company for the delivery of IT infrastructures, Telecom systems and has its own specialized Cyber Security department.
- Business development
Researching the possibilities for designing a Modern Workplace proposition for – and with – customers of Triple P Nederland B.V.
- Strategie en Roadmaps
Mapping the current situation with existing customers, reviewing a strategy, making roadmaps and providing insight into financial aspects of a new workplace.
To me one of the most interesting clients I worked for because of their mission statement and strong drive to innovate services for their customers.
Mainly acted as a business developer to come up with new concepts and services.
- Won the opportunity
Convinced Cardano’s C-level in London to choose Simac for building their new IT landscape using Microsoft Cloud services after sharing our team’s vision and showing that we understand what Cardano needs.
- Office 365 extra services and adoption program
In my role of business developer together with two colleagues created extra services Simac delivered to it’s customers on top of Microsoft Office 365, created a business model and Cardano was our launching customer.
- Containers create value
In my role of business developer together with two colleagues created the infrastructure needed by Cardano’s application developers to build modern Apps. Used Rancher, Docker, Jenkins and Linux in Azure Amsterdam and Dublin, and a Hadoop environment on-premises.

At the time the largest account for Simac. Worked as a workspace and infrastructure architect solving business related issues. Inspired (agile) teams to achieve more together, to think out of the box and to have a strong focus on the end customers they are serving.
- TCO reduction leads to innovation
Contributed to successful realization of a TCO reduction program of 1 million euro by designing innovative solutions using Microsoft Azure, Office 365, modern workspaces, and more.
- New Workspace Concept
Designed and introduced a new Workspace concept which was adopted by IT and DELA Business in 2016. From then on incrementally (agile) developed the concept together with a great team of Workspace-, Application-, Test- and Adoption specialists;
Inspired people to start the Café De La IT, a group of end point specialists always available to the employees of DELA helping them out with every user (adoption) question.
- Modernize Infrastructure
Designed the plans to move the application servers from Simac Cloud to Microsoft Azure. Started in 2017. Incrementally (agile) moved Test- and Develop systems to Azure;
Created the Business Continuity Service built on top of Azure and Simac Cloud;
More and more PaaS services were used to become more efficient and flexible.
Geldservice Nederland processed all cash money for The Netherlands. Arriving in 2013 GSN just started a new line of business: administering all ATM’s of ING, Rabobank, ABN Amro and RBC, and being responsible for the logistics of cash transportation.
- Developed a new IT-Infrastructure strategy
Having understood the challenge that GSN faced and learned about the current infrastructure, I took the initiative to develop a new IT strategy and get it supported by all stakeholders.
- Realization of the new IT-Infrastructure
Designed a new high-available infrastructure and supervised the realization of it; created designs for a new application landscape with interfaces to many banks; created plans for the upgrade and consolidation of GSN’s core business IT systems; introduced architectural governance.
This was necessary to make the transition to Geldmaat.
Hired as an Architect to work with clients on a strategic level to build long-term relationships based on trust, understanding and results.
- DELA partnership
Together with a team of three successfully restored the relationship between Simac and DELA – Simac’s largest customer; rebuilt defective technology, restructured the organization and its processes. To keep the customer onboard for the long run, took things one step further; created the Simac strategy roadmap which got embraced by DELA. In the next iteration created a Simac mission, vision, strategy and supporting portfolio, which won new clients for Simac.
- DELA Belgium
Helped out to fix the most urgent issues in the relationship between Simac Belgium and DELA Belgium; After winning a RfP started to deliver modern cloud services from Simac in the Netherlands.
- Business Development
Designed and built Simac’s Business Continuity Service using Microsoft’s cloud services;
Office 365 Top Support, the IP on top of Microsoft’s Office 365;
Dynamic Workplace concept which was sold to several clients;
Improve the relationship with Microsoft NL and interact with the productteams and Marketing of Microsoft Corp.
- Marketing ~ connecting to the right audience
Several presentations for external organizations i.e. VNO NCW Brabant Zeeland about transformation and how to deal with it;
Writing e-books and whitepapers;
Creating storyboards of video’s;
Give presentations on several Simac marketing events.
- Teaching
Train three people from MTV IT in Amsterdam on how to get more out of Nagios and Centreon.
In 2011 the Jeroen Bosch hospital opened its brand-new building after the merge of three regional hospitals. I started to contribute in 2010 and my experience and understanding of complex healthcare systems came in handy to bring this transformation to a success.
I learned that the same type of organization can have completely different cultures and rules, and that dealing with it is an important part when getting where you want to go.
- Enterprise Service Bus redesign
Taken the initiative to get rid of the spaghetti-integration-horror and redesign and rebuild the patient data messaging landscape. Goal was to create transparency, efficiency and more flexibility when changing or replacing Healthcare Systems.
- Installing several new Healthcare and Logistical Systems
Designed and helped realizing the infrastructure and integration components of a few brand new Systems: OR System, Patient Flow System, Smart Signs, Check-out System for the restaurant.
- Improving the infrastructure
Introducing a new Storage system; Workspace development; Introducing the iPad to support in the Triage process and patient registration.
One of the first hospitals in The Netherlands who started digitizing (2001) their workprocesses and data-collecting. EHR-development was in-sourced. IT soon became a critical component in the daily work of everyone.
The first 10 years of my career I studied almost day and night to learn what IT is all about, so that one day I could say to myself that I had become a real IT-professional. No IT-services were outsourced, so I was able to do everything myself. This was the best place to learn all about advanced technologies and how to create an impact to the benefit of patients and medical staff.
- Automated Enterprise Service Bus (Cloverleaf)
Designed and built a complex Electronic Patient Data messaging ecosystem delivering 1.5 to 2 million HL7 and Edifact messages a week.
Automated the operations and error-handling by thousands of lines of code; saving over 2 FTE’s and incidents had no impact anymore on healthcare processes.
- Professionalizing infrastructure systems & work-processes
Taken the initiative to improve almost all IT Infrastructure systems and work-processes one-by-one using innovative solutions and bringing the IT-services to a higher level. I.e. print, backup & restore, virtualization, storage (SAN), monitoring & remediation, networking, moving from Novell to Microsoft.
- Understanding healthcare
Liaison between physicians, nursing staff, care managers and IT. Focus on Radiology, OR, ICU, Dialysis, Clinical Chemical Laboratory, Pathology, Microbiology, Ophthalmologist.
- Understanding healthcare IT-systems
Designed, built and operated many complex IT Healthcare systems; Electronic Health Record systems, systems for radiology, Pathology, CKCHL, Microbiology, MDL, dialysis, ICU and OR.
- Early introduction of VMware
Introduced VMware and an EMC SAN in Elisabeth hospital from 2004. In May 2006 performed the first vMotion between the two datacenters (which was a “this is going to change everything” moment in time). Virtualized all 200 physical Windows and Linux servers by myself in 2006.
- Automated radiology image transportation between hospitals
In 2007 took the initiative and built a brand-new low-cost solution which automatically transported MRI images from another hospital to Elisabeth. Result: patient visits could be planned 5 days earlier; staff members were saved from doing hours of tedious work (uploading DVD’s). This solution was still operational in 2018, and as far as I know still is today.
- Getting in control
Built pro-active monitoring, alarming and reporting system using Open Source software: Nagios, Centreon, Linux, MySQL. Coded dozens of plugins to monitor specific systems and processes.
The result was a new way of work for the IT department: proactive instead of reactive. Big game changer.
Philips Healthcare copied parts of this system and added it to their Radiology PACS-solution.